Random Musings over manufactured Rhymes!
Random Musings over manufactured Rhymes! The Lost Me Ever since my school days, I had a yearning for poems that rhymed well. I, too, wrote some and made sure they were rhyming. This inclination could be because- from our nursery rhymes to our high school days, more or less, we saw the same pattern. Yeah, I also read prose, but that urge to rhyme lines somehow prevailed. No doubt, figures of speech and a well-organized ratio of words and lines spark the writings. All thanks to the learned poets and writers who bestowed this beauty on us. But lately, as an adult, I feel a particular bias for these literary practices. I may be completely wrong, you may agree or disagree, but I think they are manufactured. Let me explain my point. You cannot limit imagination within set boundaries of few systematically arranged lines or forced rhymes. To stick by the rule puts a certain pressure and gags poetic freedom. Imagination is all quirky and random. That’s the inherent beauty i...