My Silly Desire

My Silly Desire

English poems, the lost me
The Lost Me

A tiny droplet of rain
fell sudden at my cheek.
Season's first rain,
my heart in pleasure bloomed.

My past, I went to flashback,
the days- so sweet have lost now.
Gone the days we ran and
played out in the rain. 

A few clothes, soiled in mud,
jumping, dancing to the heart's content. 
No stress, no fear, no limits
just shouting, enjoying the rain.

Returned late when mother scolded,
still trying to escape,
run away from her grip,
as prey from the lion's claws.

Today again the desire has sprouted
in my heart, scrounging
my inner core- run out and play,
go drench the heart!

Somewhere the heart is hidden,
the childhood one, enforcing me.
That longing seems a great task
but I can't help my heart.

My heart- which longs
to drench itself, unaware of
my mind which warns-
Have you gone mad?

Everything is changed,
those days, the days now.
Then I was a child,
Now I am stereotyped, grown-up.

Finally, I have overcome the desire,
killed my feelings,
have consoled my heart
for I don't have time for it.

I have moved under my umbrella,
walking, resisting the raindrops.
A few meters away from me,
some children are bathing in the rain!

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© The Lost Me 
   ( April 2010)
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